20 Years of Chris Dickinson

This week marks the 20th Anniversary since a spotty 23 year old walked into my office for a job interview – neither me nor Cheryl liked him at first, but thought we’d give him a go as he looked desperate !! Fast forward 20 years and Chris has become part of the furniture at LSi, and we have all grown to like him a bit!!

In all seriousness Chris has played a major part in the continued expansion and success of LSi and I do owe him a great debt of gratitude. He is always on hand to help anyone who needs it, he can multitask, sometimes jumps in a bit too quick on things, but his heart is in the right place and everything he has ever done has been for the good of the company and the people within it.

Pity we can’t celebrate properly at this time, but as soon as we can, we will mark the occasion and hopefully you’ll all be back to join us.

Chris Dickinson 1
Chris Dickinson 2
Chris Dickinson 3
Chris smiling
Chris and Lloyd dressed as grannies
Young Chris
Chris Dancing
Chris pouting
chris and showgirl
Chris 25th aniversary
Chris 25th aniversary 2

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