LSi In Hong Kong

From Nov 1st to Feb 29th the sales team were given the incentive to win a trip to Hong Kong to visit the annual Gift Fair, with those who overperformed being able to bag themselves a place on the trip.

After the whole team remained focused throughout the 4-month period, Chris, Dan, Oliver, Lynda, Charlotte, Neil and George all overachieved and were invited to join Lloyd on the trip.

Keep up with what they got up to with our very own ‘LSi In Hong Kong’ Diary

Day 1 – And We’re Off

A diary entry by Chris Dickinson

Early start for day 1, we were up at 6am to get into work to finish off some final bits before being picked up at 9am. The journey begins.

We get to Manchester airport bang on time, check in complete and we’re off…. Well to departures anyway. Managed to get a nice seat and the orange juice started flowing

First leg of the journey and we are delayed by 30 minuets, but we make up a bit of time on route landing in Heathrow at 2pm and now it’s an easy 6 hour stint in the airport before our flight to Hong Kong! Shopping list from the wife and credit card at the ready!

Time flies when you’re sat doing nothing and we’re ready to board, slightly delayed again but we find our seats and the next leg of our journey is on, a small 13-hour flight. Thinking about having something to eat and getting my head down to try and sleep before our first big day in Hong Kong!

The thoughts about a sleep are out the window 7 hours in, too excited for what lies ahead on this trip!

Arrive on time in Hong Kong and sail through customs with a pickup on the other side and we’re off to the hotel. Feels like the best hotel in Hong Kong but reality is it’s the only hotel we’ve ever stayed in here over the past 15 years.

Quick in and out of the hotel pending, quick shower and we’re all off to races at Happy Valley.

Been a long time since I’ve been here, pre Covid in fact 2019, and it’s still one of the most amazing places I’ve been to. A horse racing track of epic proportions, at night, 26 degrees, surrounded by skyscrapers at every side- it’s possibly one of the most impressive places I’ve ever been but I’m a horse racing fan.

Day 2 – Sight Seeing

A diary entry by George Dixon

So, we're finally here... first night done and so the adventure fully begins.

Early start for a few of us making most of the hotel health and spa centre including a sauna, jacuzzi and pool alongside a gym.

Onto breakfast, where there was a variety of different foods including home favourite such as bacon, sausage and freshly cooked eggs in your preferred form – with authentic Asian cuisine also being available.

A quick meeting to discuss the week ahead and a few products Lloyd had found at the electronics show the few previous days.

Today is the day to get our bearings and understand Hong Kong a bit more. We walked down Nathan and Mody Road and ended up in the Peninsula Hotel for a quick pit stop- one of the most famous hotels in the world housing a lot of famous people across the years including royalty and the likes of Frank Sinatra.

Then we had a little walk to catch the star ferry across to Wan Chai and we used the MTR which is the Hong Kong subway system connecting everywhere.

We moved into Mong Kok market to have a look at the different items - I can't confirm or deny if we got our money’s worth.

The final stop of the day was to the ICC building which is the 13th tallest building in the world. It is home to the Ozone bar which is the highest bar in the world - located on the 120th floor. The views were breathtaking alongside nice food and drink.

The night is still upon us, but the day has been fantastic - a great start to the week ahead.

Day 3 – The Buddha

A diary entry by Charlotte Waters

Today we decided as a group to do some sightseeing. We all wanted to go see the Hong Kong Buddha up in the mountains.

This was extra special as the whole group had never seen it before. I am very lucky to have been to Hong Kong three times along with Dan & Lynda. But none of us had seen it so we were extra excited.

We arrived at the cable cars to the mountain to be greeted with very rainy, windy conditions. There were a few people I shall name no names who were slightly nervous about the cable cars. The views on the way up were incredible and even better as we had a glass see through bottom floor which some found extra scary.

It took 30 mins to reach the top as it is very high up. There was a lovely village at the top with some gift shops, Chinese statues, and a few cows. Lynda had quite the fright when she saw the cows.

We then made our way up several flights of stairs to the Buddha. It was incredible but sadly he was covered in fog so we could only see his outline. There was a lovely monastery inside the Buddha.

After having a look around and taking it all in we made our way back down. A select few members of the group decided to chicken out of the cable cars on the way back down and opted for the bus.

The ride down was absolutely fine. To start with we could only see cloud and rain but eventually we had an amazing view of the ocean and the sun tried to break through too.

We all really enjoyed today and although the weather wasn’t the best it didn’t matter. We got to experience something unique together that not a lot of people will get the opportunity to see.

The night is still upon us, but the day has been fantastic - a great start to the week ahead.

Day 4 – Show Day 1

A diary entry by Lynda Clegg

Exciting day for the Lsi team and the main reason for our trip is the Hong Kong Gifts Fair held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, it's the world’s leading gift fair for Promotional Merchandise

Early start with a good breakfast we head to the train which takes us to the Convention and Exhibition Centre

The show is impressive offering new trends for the promotional products industry, three floors to look around, it was busy and was great to chat and see some exciting products and new merchandise, the show has around 1800 exhibitors and welcomes 55000 traders from around 15 countries, looking forward to sharing new ideas with our customers

After the show we went to the Exclusive Rosewood hotel which has the most amazing views over Hong kong to meet our suppliers for drinks and nibbles before we went to the Aqua for the most amazing meal. The drinks were flowing we ended up finishing the night in China Nightclub... in Lsi style work hard.. play hard. What an amazing day!

Day 5 – Show Day 2

A diary entry by Oliver Simpson

Following on from the amazing night we had on Saturday, I think the best way to describe how that went is with an extract from the LSI HK group chat, from an un-named member.

“There’s a reason I normally stay in control as my hangovers are horrendous. Woke up under the desk fully clothed at 10am with no idea where I was!”

Think that pretty much sums that up…

After a delayed breakfast, plenty of caffeine and a cold shower, it was up and off to the show for day 2.

I concentrated on hall 3 and 5 today after completing hall 1 yesterday - these halls are enormous and house over 3000 exhibitors , it really takes some walking !

Some great products on show today, there’s lots of interaction with the exhibitors each trying to entice onto their stand with free samples , catalogues and best prices - but sometimes it’s the quiet items that get your attention, then you assess whether the product is already available from our Uk suppliers, could be of interest as a new concept - or better still , would appeal to all markets but allows us to personalise the product in house !

I am pleased to report that today that I saw some great new product ideas but in particular; cables, tech and drinkware seems to be the in thing this year. The best thing about this show is they are usually one to two years ahead of Europe, so it’s a great gauge on what is going to be popular.

There is a reason the Hong Kong Promotional Gift Fair is the largest in the world. The scope of how big it actually is would be hard to describe, it’s a bit of a you have to be here moment. Having said that, we potentially have a few new items to be added to the millions of products already available at LSi. To name a few - Christmas trees, portable loo’s and a sit on motorised suitcase.

The meal of choice tonight is at the highly rated (by Trip advisor) Mulino. I don’t think it’s going to be another big night in Hong Kong, a certain someone’s drink of choice tonight… Water.

Amazing Show, Great City, Delicious Food! I really don’t want to come home!

Day 6 – Show Day 3

A diary entry by Neil Sullivan

So day 6 of our adventure started with a quick commute to the exhibition centre. The underground over here really is a joy to use, air-conditioned, exceptionally clean and they have lots of facilities - come on London, up your game.

I concentrated on the last half of the main hall, Hall 1 and was soon deep in conversation with keen manufacturers showing their wares. I always like getting to shows as they open so you can have those important conversations when there are no crowds, also, I hate missing any of those gems of new ideas.

Pleased to report that the show didn’t disappoint and today was a great way to wrap things up. Some great bespoke options, top-notch eco notebooks, innovative bottle solutions and those great quirky things that get you thinking ….

Wrapping up early afternoon it was time for a quick debrief with the team updating each other on our key products and discussing the next steps. What samples do we need from whom and how we can use them to accentuate our offering?

It was soon time for a quick visit with a close partner over here who has been helping us out and entertaining us before a meander back to the hotel via the famous Hong Kong markets, football shirt anyone?

What a way to wrap up our last full day, a trip up the world-famous Peak Tram to the stunning viewing platform. It’s not really a tram as we would normally think of, think more a vertiginous climb straight up the side of a 1300ft mountain! Steep doesn’t do it justice. It is so worth the climb, this is the classic view of Hong Kong, the harbour and the high-rise skyline sweeping out before you, definitely a highlight.

Now to bed with thoughts about what tomorrow will bring?

Day 7 – Goodbye Hong Kong

A diary entry by Dan Farrar

This morning it was a sad start to the day packing our bags and thinking about coming home. But as we don’t fly until late let’s have one more day exploring this amazing place !!

As today was the last chance for sightseeing, myself and Lynda ventured to the Avenue of Stars taking in the harbour views.

We also visited a selection of local shopping centres before travelling from Kowloon to Hong Kong for a spot of afternoon tea in the Grand Hyatt. Back to the hotel for a wind-down and relax before the journey home.

The bags are packed and it’s time for us to leave this awesome city! I feel really lucky not only to have been to the world’s greatest merchandise show but also to have visited some fantastic places Hong Kong is very different to sleepy Yorkshire but I love it here.

Thank you Hong Kong you have been amazing and I hope to be back here soon!!

The team has now touched down in England after an amazing trip and it's business as usual! They can't wait to share the new items and ideas they have found at the Gift Fair with you all.

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