QR Codes on Promotional Merchandise

Do you need a way for customers to easily find your website? Then here at LSi, we can help.

QR codes have been around for a while, you may have seen them on your Tesco Clubcard or even on bus stop advertising. But recently, with restaurants wanting to stop cross-contamination when handing out menus, they have become more popular, and more and more people know how to use them. So with the rise of QR codes, we look at what they are, their benefits and how they can be used in your marketing campaigns.

What Are QR Codes

QR codes are basically barcodes that can be read by a machine and usually consist of an array of black and white squares. Then when you use a camera on a smartphone, they will read the information that is inside, which is usually a URL, and takes the user to that destination automatically.

phone scanning a QR code

Benefits of Using QR Codes

When it comes to using QR codes in your marketing campaign there are a number of benefits that they can create.

  • When positioned correctly QR codes are a perfect way to quickly get your customers where you want them to be. Whether it's a landing page, sign up form, or on social media, you can direct your customers wherever you like in seconds.
  • As they are scanned, QR codes, remove human error that can occur when typing a URL into a search bar.
  • Because you are sending your customers to a URL, you can measure their effectiveness. Whereas in the past with billboards and print marketing, this wasn't possible. QR codes go one step further, letting you measure your results based on leads and clicks.
  • Compared to having to search a website or putting a long URL into your phone, QR codes are fun. Their interactivity makes them a lot more likely to be used by customers.

How To Successfully Incorporate QR Codes into Your Marketing

These codes have so many benefits, so why wouldn't you use them in your next marketing campaign? So why not think about incorporating them into one of the following that we can provide here at LSi?

Business cards – they're one of the oldest marketing items out there, but they're still effective. So why not bring your business cards into the 21st century by incorporating a QR code. Whether you direct your prospects to your website or LinkedIn page, you are bound to get more interaction.

Exhibitions – now that exhibitions are back, how do you stand out from the crowd? If you are busy, then you want all your protentional customers to be able to walk away with all the information they need. So why not add a roller banner with a QR code to the front of your stand? We even offer an  exhibition giveaway service where we will create a QR code, roller banner and website FOC.

Promotional Items – giveaways are the perfect items to place your code on. Whether it's on a notebook so they can easily find your website; a sandwich bag that you can give to local sandwich shop to use to promote your hiring; or a powerbank so they can take part in your competition. The possibilities are endless.

Here at LSi, we can help you create the perfect QR marketing campaign, please call your Sales Advisor on 01274 854996 or email sales@lsi.co.uk to find out more.

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